How to Pick Interesting Books

Have you ever been super, duper excited to start a book, only to realize that it is a completely boring book and a waste of time?

I know one booklover problem is starting a boring book and having to finish it just because no matter how boring, we always want to know what will happen at the end.

Sometimes, I feel we expect the writer to pull a rabbit out of the hat at the last minute and surprise us so it does not feel like we wasted time reading the book, that somehow, there was always a destination, a higher plan.

Sadly, most times this is not the case. Some great books can start at a very slow pace which can be boring but they always have us intrigued at the least.

If only there was a way to know whether the book is worth reading or not. Oh wait, there is.

Follow this guide and maybe, just maybe you will not have to waste so much time reading a boring book. Warning: Some boring books may slip through the cracks oh, so be prepared.

1. Read the Blurb
Nowadays, writers and publishers have begun to put so much effort into the blurb to capture people's interest. And it works. A blurb most times, captures the story in a short, effective way. So if the blurb is not making you feel excited, the book probably won't. This is the first thing I do when I come across a book. If you don't know what a blurb is, I am sorry I cannot help you.

2. Book Cover
You know they say don't judge a book by its cover. Sorry bro, that is an outdated saying. If the book is interesting and the cover is ugly, blame the publishers. There are so many flashy book covers everywhere these days and some of them get me so so sooo interested. A good book cover is the first attraction readers feel towards a book so it should be peng. Be warned though, some people will use good book cover to close your eyes. Good Book Cover + Blurb = Good Book.

3. Read the Prologue
If a book has a prologue, be sure to go through it. Personally, I don't like prologues. They can be very misleading. For example, the prologue in Twilight makes me want to put down the book, not read it. But, when I read it, I loved the series.

4. Read a Page
This is the most important part. I advise you to read the first three pages and not pick any random page. The problem with random pages is that the characters are strange and whatever is happening at that time may not be interesting to you but may be pivotal to the book itself. I find that the first three pages help set the tone of the book.

5. Forget that NYT and USA Bestselling author thing
My fellow book lovers, don't be misdirected by that New York Times and USA Best Selling Author. See, there are thousands of published and self-published authors with really great books who are not on any list. If you go by these lists, you will limit your reading world. But, if you chose to disregard this, you will discover so many great books and authors out there that you will be thankful. Some NYT and USA best selling books have so bored me that I wondered how they got on the list.

Generally, I am super attracted to Book Cover, then I read the blurb and usually, that gets me hooked.
