How To Discover Good Authors

Dear Reader,

Finding good authors is one battle that we have to face sometimes.

I wish my faourite authors would just keep publishing book after book after book after book.

But let me share a trick I use to find good authors.

Its very simple.

I search for authors similar to my favourite authors.

Simple abi?

If you do a google search, it will give you several results with Goodreads at the top.

Goodreads has this very helpful 'Authors Similar To' feature that has helped me time and time again.

Of course no two authors are exactly alike. But, those suggested authors can give you a good reading experience like the one you mentioned in your search.

But I don't rely on them so much. I like taking suggestions from anyone out there who has a personal experience.

I just discovered a new author by the way, one I will share with you guys soon.

Try it now and tell me what you think.
