My Affair with Books : World Book Day 2019

It started a long time ago.

I was a bored, primary school student, easily enticed, susceptible to suggestions.

I was tired of playing by myself, talking to myself and being alone in a big house after school hours.

They say an idle mind is prone to mischief.

There was a library in the house.

It had an atlas, a globe that spun, a typewriter, a fan than whirled, a seat that rotated and a vast number of books.

It called out to me.

I resisted. I wanted to climb trees and play. I didn't want to be boring, staying inside all day.

Still, it pursued me, relentlessly.

It sang me songs and haunted my dreams.

It told me I could never regret the relationship.

I was skeptical, I knew I was too young to enter a lifelong commitment.

The curvy spine, the brown skin, the musky scent was my undoing.

I could never resist its scent.

One day, I was bored enough so I fell.

It started slowly, this addiction.

I would flip through the books, inhale the scent and look at the pictures.

It wasn't enough.

The hunger grew and I knew to resist it was futile.

It became a small part of me.

I could control it, could wait days before my next fix.

The hunger grew and grew, tossing aside my protests like a baby's hand.

It got so bad that even a day without it was pure torture.

I succumbed and gave in completely.

It's true.

I am guilty of reading books more than I talk to people.

I am guilty of having withdrawal symptoms when a good story ends.

I am guilty of loving books, sometimes even more than I should.

I am guilty. I always have a book with me.

Books are my guilty pleasure and non-guilty pleasure.

Books are my companions.

Books are my friends.

I get lost in stories.

It has been a lifelong affair and yes, it will continue.

It won't end.
