Happy World Book Day!!!

Its World Book Day peeps!!!!

Flipping World Book Day.

A whole day set aside to celebrate books.

A whole day to tell and show people how books are awesome, how life would be so boring, drab and dull without books.

Oh man, it's exciting. I feel like we should do a rally or even a book party, with dancing, drinking (juice not alcohol) and book discussions.

Then, it should also be a holiday so people can stay home and read.

Brilliant idea right?

This year's theme is 'Share a Story'

How can you share your story?

1. Share your book story.

2. Tell people how you started reading.

3. Talk about why you started reading.

4. Tell the world how books make you feel.

5. Most importantly, share your favorite books with friends, enemies and strangers alike.

It's simple really.

Show your appreciation for books in a way that makes you comfortable.
