The Witches Chronicles II


My mother initiated me into her coven when I was eleven.

She said she waited till I was eleven because she wanted me to enjoy a free childhood before embarking on my life assignment. 

Before then, I never knew my mother was a witch. She was a regular Nigerian woman; she always forced my siblings and I to church, she was even the church treasurer, had a great relationship with the pastor and always brought him food on Sundays.

I woke up that night find myself under a tree in front of our compound. I thought I was dreaming because everything felt so unreal. There my mother sat in a high throne, surrounded by teenage girls from our neighborhood. There were some unfamiliar faces I didn’t recognize. I learnt later that those ones stayed in other states in Nigeria.

The following morning, my mother acted as if nothing happened and I believed it was all a dream, even though the dream occurred frequently.

My first assignment was to get my teacher to eat from my lunch. Apparently, Mrs Njoku was praying too much and protecting the school. As usual, I thought it was a dream, didn’t even think about it after I woke up.

That night, I was flogged with whips when I arrived at our meeting. I screamed and my skin tore, yet they didn’t even stop.

I woke up with whip marks all over my body and I went to show my mother the marks, she only said “You deserve worse.”
That’s when I realized it was all real. Everything.

My mother was a witch, I too had been initiated.
I did everything she asked after that.
My principal fell ill and the school dilapidated till it was eventually shut down. This happened after I gave my apple to Mrs Njoku and she got sacked two weeks later for no apparent reason.

My mother taught me her life’s work: How to destroy churches.

I watched her as she befriended everyone in church, built a great relationship with the pastor and strengthened their bond so much with her food that he began to ignore his wife’s advises to follow hers. She made sure she was part of the cooking team for every church event and slowly, the church members began to dive into poverty.
The church had fewer and fewer members and no matter how hard they prayed, nothing happened. She would laugh and say “How can anything change when I am there to hinder their prayers?”
I wondered why she had so much power over these Christians, why they didn’t perceive her for who she truly was. 
